Are You Practicing
Your Piano Lessons?

Let’s Find Out!
Welcome to The Examination Room

Unfortunately, our regularly scheduled piano lessons have been suspended for this afternoon…
Furthermore, we will not be administering our standardized chemistry regents exam either.
(Whew! I got a 66% on that thing back in highschool)
We will, however, be thoroughly testing your knowledge of:
1) The numbered fingering system
2) Your sight-reading abilities
3) Your piano keyboarding skills
You will have approximately 2 minutes to complete this piano lessons examination, and you will be graded on your final results…
Good Luck!
Note: This piano exam is based on the exercises
we worked on during our first 10 beginner lessons
Further Instructions
As with most academic examinations we will not be permitted to view the classroom materials until the piano test is actually in progress. In other words… until you press “Play” on the video below…
After all… this is a test, you know… So we won’t be allowed to practice, study, or memorize these exercises like we would during our regular piano lessons.
This Piano Exam will be administered in a “flash card” style via the video below.
You will see the numbers “flashed” a series of left and right-hand numbers, which will only appear on the blackboard for a moment of about two beats at a time.
Your job is to instantly recognize which fingers are needed, and play the correct keys on your piano keyboard.
Just don’t take too long. Unlike your usual piano lessons, you’ll only have until the 2nd beat to play the correct note(s). Otherwise you’ll miss it. (One, two… that’s it!)
Remember, Left-hand numbers will appear on the left side of the blackboard in green, and Right-hand numbers will appear on the right side of the blackboard in blue.
For example: if you see the numbers: 3/5 appear on the blackboard, you’ll need to play your left 3-finger (middle) and your right 5-finger (pinky) by the count of two.
Numbered Fingering System
The specialized numbering system we use to organize our fingers is essential to our ability to find our way around the piano keyboard.
I’ve been saying that since our first set of piano lessons. Quite frankly, without it, there would be little chance of passing this piano examination …
And I can’t let that happen. So let’s review it again…
During most of our piano lessons, we’ve always placed our hands in the “C position” on our piano keyboard. (As indicated in this diagram)
Also, we’ve assigned the same number to each corresponding finger on each hand:
- No. 1 = Thumbs
- No. 2 = Index fingers
- No. 3 = Middle fingers
- No. 4 = Ring fingers
- No. 5 = Little fingers
How to Play Along With the Demo
When you press the “Play” button on the left panel of the blackboard, you’ll hear something you’ve never heard before in any of our prior piano lessons… a drum beat!
You can use this drumbeat to carefully listen to and identify the two-second durations of each number as they appear on the blackboard.
When you first see and hear a number appearing on the blackboard, that very instant will be the count of “one” (the 1st second).
You’ll have until the count of “two” (the 2nd second) to figure out exactly which note it is on your piano keyboard and play that note correctly.
As soon as the numbers materialize on the blackboard, count slowly to yourself… “One, two”… “One, two”… “One, two”… and so on. You will begin to realize that you are counting “in time” with the beat.
When you can recognize the “one, two” timing of the numbers on the blackboard, you’ll know exactly when to play the correct keys on your piano keyboard.
Here’s a neat trick you can use:
At different times during the playback of this exam, you’ll hear two very distinctive drum sounds:

A Tambourine Strike

A Side Stick Strike
These sharp sounding percussion instruments will be heard on every “two count” (and you’ll know them when you hear them).
You can use these two sounds as an audio marker, and play your keyboard notes “in time” with these tambourine and side stick strikes!
Your Final Grade
You may have been wondering by now… how am I going to give you a grade for this piano lessons test?
No, I’m not going to send you a report card in the mail.
You are going to give yourself a grade!
Now before you go giving yourself 100% right away, remember that this assignment is not only intended to test your sight-reading abilities, but it’s also meant to help you improve your keyboarding skills and your hand-eye coordination.
So it’s really to your benefit to use this piano exam wisely, and as a tool to help you improve.
As you take this exam, keep a mental tally of the number of notes you might have missed or played incorrectly. This exercise will test you on a total of 100 notes.
Once this two-minute test has finished, subtract the number of notes you missed from the total number of notes in the exercise.
For example: If you played 3 notes incorrectly and you missed 2 notes during the piano lessons exam, then your final score would be 95%.
… Just try not to miss more than 34 notes!
I’ve decided to set the passing score for this piano test at 66% (The same score I got on my high school chemistry regents exam)
You can replay and retake the piano exam video as many times as you like until you really do score 100!
Good Luck and Have Fun!
Wait.. what’s that?
You want me to do another demonstration?
Are You Practicing
Your Piano Lessons?

Let’s Find Out!
Welcome to The Examination Room

Unfortunately, our regularly scheduled piano lessons have been suspended for this afternoon…
Furthermore, we will not be administering our standardized chemistry regents exam either.
(Whew! I got a 66% on that thing back in highschool)
We will, however, be thoroughly testing your knowledge of:
1) The numbered fingering system
2) Your sight-reading abilities
3) Your piano keyboarding skills
You will have approximately 2 minutes to complete this piano lessons examination, and you will be graded on your final results…
Good Luck!
Note: This piano exam is based on the exercises
we worked on during our first 10 beginner lessons
Further Instructions
As with most academic examinations we will not be permitted to view the classroom materials until the piano test is actually in progress. In other words… until you press “Play” on the video below…
After all… this is a test, you know… So we won’t be allowed to practice, study, or memorize these exercises like we would during our regular piano lessons.
This Piano Exam will be administered in a “flash card” style via the video below.
You will see the numbers “flashed” a series of left and right-hand numbers, which will only appear on the blackboard for a moment of about two beats at a time.
Your job is to instantly recognize which fingers are needed, and play the correct keys on your piano keyboard.
Just don’t take too long. Unlike your usual piano lessons, you’ll only have until the 2nd beat to play the correct note(s). Otherwise you’ll miss it. (One, two… that’s it!)
Remember, Left-hand numbers will appear on the left side of the blackboard in green, and Right-hand numbers will appear on the right side of the blackboard in blue.
For example: if you see the numbers: 3/5 appear on the blackboard, you’ll need to play your left 3-finger (middle) and your right 5-finger (pinky) by the count of two.
Numbered Fingering System
The specialized numbering system we use to organize our fingers is essential to our ability to find our way around the piano keyboard.
I’ve been saying that since our first set of piano lessons. Quite frankly, without it, there would be little chance of passing this piano examination …
And I can’t let that happen. So let’s review it again…
During most of our piano lessons, we’ve always placed our hands in the “C position” on our piano keyboard. (As indicated in this diagram)
Also, we’ve assigned the same number to each corresponding finger on each hand:
- No. 1 = Thumbs
- No. 2 = Index fingers
- No. 3 = Middle fingers
- No. 4 = Ring fingers
- No. 5 = Little fingers
How to Play Along With the Demo
When you press the “Play” button on the left panel of the blackboard, you’ll hear something you’ve never heard before in any of our prior piano lessons… a drum beat!
You can use this drumbeat to carefully listen to and identify the two-second durations of each number as they appear on the blackboard.
When you first see and hear a number appearing on the blackboard, that very instant will be the count of “one” (the 1st second).
You’ll have until the count of “two” (the 2nd second) to figure out exactly which note it is on your piano keyboard and play that note correctly.
As soon as the numbers materialize on the blackboard, count slowly to yourself… “One, two”… “One, two”… “One, two”… and so on. You will begin to realize that you are counting “in time” with the beat.
When you can recognize the “one, two” timing of the numbers on the blackboard, you’ll know exactly when to play the correct keys on your piano keyboard.
Here’s a neat trick you can use:
At different times during the playback of this piano exam, you’ll hear two very distinctive drum sounds: One is a Tambourine Strike, and the other is a Side Stick Strike.

Tambourine Strike

Side Stick Strike
These sharp sounding percussion instruments will be heard on every “two count” (and you’ll know them when you hear them).
You can use these two sounds as an audio marker, and play your keyboard notes “in time” with these tambourine and side stick strikes!
Your Final Grade
You may have been wondering by now… how am I going to give you a grade for this piano lessons test?
No, I’m not going to send you a report card in the mail.
You are going to give yourself a grade!
Now before you go giving yourself 100% right away, remember that this assignment is not only intended to test your sight-reading abilities, but it’s also meant to help you improve your keyboarding skills and your hand-eye coordination.
So it’s really to your benefit to use this piano exam wisely, and as a tool to help you improve.
As you take this exam, keep a mental tally of the number of notes you might have missed or played incorrectly. This exercise will test you on a total of 100 notes.
Once this two-minute test has finished, subtract the number of notes you missed from the total number of notes in the exercise.
For example: If you played 3 notes incorrectly and you missed 2 notes during the piano lessons exam, then your final score would be 95%.
… Just try not to miss more than 34 notes!
I’ve decided to set the passing score for this piano test at 66% (The same score I got on my high school chemistry regents exam)
You can replay and retake the piano exam video as many times as you like until you really do score 100!
Good Luck and Have Fun!
Wait.. what’s that?
You want me to do another demonstration?
Are You Practicing
Your Piano Lessons?

Let’s Find Out!
Welcome to The Examination Room

Unfortunately, our regularly scheduled piano lessons have been suspended for this afternoon…
Furthermore, we will not be administering our standardized chemistry regents exam either.
(Whew! I got a 66% on that back in H.S.)
We will, however, be thoroughly testing your knowledge of:
1) The numbered fingering system
2) Your sight-reading abilities
3) Your piano keyboarding skills
You will have approximately 2 minutes to complete this piano lessons examination, and you will be graded on your final results…
Good Luck!
Note: This piano exam is based on the exercises we worked on during our first 10 beginner lessons
Further Instructions
As with most academic examinations we will not be permitted to view the classroom materials until the piano test is actually in progress. In other words… until you press “Play” on the video below…
After all… this is a test, you know… So we won’t be allowed to practice, study, or memorize these exercises like we would during our regular piano lessons.
This Piano Exam will be administered in a “flash card” style via the video below.
You will see the numbers “flashed” a series of left and right-hand numbers, which will only appear on the blackboard for a moment of about two beats at a time.
Your job is to instantly recognize which fingers are needed, and play the correct keys on your piano keyboard.
Just don’t take too long. Unlike your usual piano lessons, you’ll only have until the 2nd beat to play the correct note(s). Otherwise you’ll miss it. (One, two… that’s it!)
Remember, Left-hand numbers will appear on the left side of the blackboard in green, and Right-hand numbers will appear on the right side of the blackboard in blue.
For example: if you see the numbers: 3/5 appear on the blackboard, you’ll need to play your left 3-finger (middle) and your right 5-finger (pinky) by the count of two.
Numbered Fingering System
The specialized numbering system we use to organize our fingers is essential to our ability to find our way around the piano keyboard.
I’ve been saying that since our first set of piano lessons. Quite frankly, without it, there would be little chance of passing this piano examination …
And I can’t let that happen. So let’s review it again…
During most of our piano lessons, we’ve always placed our hands in the “C position” on our piano keyboard. (As indicated in this diagram)
Also, we’ve assigned the same number to each corresponding finger on each hand:
- No. 1 = Thumbs
- No. 2 = Index fingers
- No. 3 = Middle fingers
- No. 4 = Ring fingers
- No. 5 = Little fingers
How to Play Along With the Demo
When you press the “Play” button on the left panel of the blackboard, you’ll hear something you’ve never heard before in any of our prior piano lessons… a drum beat!
You can use this drumbeat to carefully listen to and identify the two-second durations of each number as they appear on the blackboard.
When you first see and hear a number appearing on the blackboard, that very instant will be the count of “one” (the 1st second).
You’ll have until the count of “two” (the 2nd second) to figure out exactly which note it is on your piano keyboard and play that note correctly.
As soon as the numbers materialize on the blackboard, count slowly to yourself… “One, two”… “One, two”… “One, two”… and so on. You will begin to realize that you are counting “in time” with the beat.
When you can recognize the “one, two” timing of the numbers on the blackboard, you’ll know exactly when to play the correct keys on your piano keyboard.
Here’s a neat trick you can use:
At different times during the playback of this piano exam, you’ll hear two very distinctive drum sounds: One is a Tambourine Strike, and the other is a Side Stick Strike.

Tambourine Strike

Side Stick Strike
These sharp sounding percussion instruments will be heard on every “two count” (and you’ll know them when you hear them).
You can use these two sounds as an audio marker, and play your keyboard notes “in time” with these tambourine and side stick strikes!
Your Final Grade
You may have been wondering by now… how am I going to give you a grade for this piano lessons test?
No, I’m not going to send you a report card in the mail.
You are going to give yourself a grade!
Now before you go giving yourself 100% right away, remember that this assignment is not only intended to test your sight-reading abilities, but it’s also meant to help you improve your keyboarding skills and your hand-eye coordination.
So it’s really to your benefit to use this piano exam wisely, and as a tool to help you improve.
As you take this exam, keep a mental tally of the number of notes you might have missed or played incorrectly. This exercise will test you on a total of 100 notes.
Once this two-minute test has finished, subtract the number of notes you missed from the total number of notes in the exercise.
For example: If you played 3 notes incorrectly and you missed 2 notes during the piano lessons exam, then your final score would be 95%.
… Just try not to miss more than 34 notes!
I’ve decided to set the passing score for this piano test at 66% (The same score I got on my high school chemistry regents exam)
You can replay and retake the piano exam video as many times as you like until you really do score 100!
Good Luck and Have Fun!
Wait.. what’s that?
You want another demo?
Play This Video To Take Your Piano Exam!